Curriculum Vita
Torrey Seland

Born in 1948, at Gyland, Flekkefjord, Norway. Married in 1970 to Anne Margrete, b. Rygg. Three children, Torgny, Laila Mary, and Vidar. Grandfather of four girls and two boys.

Studied theology in Oslo from 1969 and received the degree of cand. theol. in 1976 at The Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo.
Ordained as a pastor in the Church of Norway on June 19, 1977, and served as a Military Chaplain in 1977-78, and then as a Pastor in Bakklandet Parish, Church of Norway, in Trondheim July 1. 1978 – Dec. 31. 1984 (as a second pastor in 1978-81, the main pastor 1981-84).
In 1991, received the degree of Dr. Artium at the University of Trondheim. Retired in 2014.


  • Mia & Ole Halleby’s book scholarship 1982.
  • 1983 – One-year Scholarship, Menighetsfakultetet (kandidatstipend)
  • 1985-87: 3-year scholarship from The Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF): Location of studies:  The Department of Religious Studies, University of Trondheim. Advisor: Prof. Peder J. Borgen.


Scholarly positions:

From the fall of 1988, served at Volda University College and from 2005 to 2014 at The School of Mission & Theology, Stavanger, Norway (now named VID Specialized University, Faculty of Theology and Social Sciences).

  • Assistant Professor 1988-1991,
  • Associate Professor from 1991,
  • Professor in Biblical Studies from 2000
  • In 2000, elected Dean of the Department of Social Sciences for a three-year period (2000-2003); re-elected in 2003.
  • From Aug. 2005, Professor in New Testament Studies at VID-The School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger, Norway.
  • From Aug. 2010 to June 2012 professor and research coordinator at VID-The School of Mission and Theology.
  • From June 2012- July 2014 Dean of Studies/Professor at  VID-The School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger, Norway.
  • From Aug. 1., 2014, retired as professor emeritus. Now living in Kvinesdal, Norway.


Mainly within the field of the New Testament, its social world, and Philo of Alexandria. Cf. the bibliography below.

Scholarly interests
are primarily focused on Philo of Alexandria, the social world of the Diaspora, the 1st letter of Peter, Paul’s letter to Philemon, and, more generally, the life and theology of Paul, the Apostle. Furthermore, in the application of Cultural Anthropology in Biblical Studies, Post-Colonial Studies, and the use of Computer Technology in Teaching and Studies.

Member of projects, boards, and societies

  • Member of The International Philo Bibliography Project 2001-2018.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of The Studia Philonica Annual – Studies in Hellenistic Judaism. 2006-


Member of the following scholarly and professional societies:


 My Bibliography

Books Authored

  • Crossing Borders. The Life and Work of Peder Borgen in Context. Foreword by Paul Anderson. Eugene, Or.: Wipf & Stock, Sept. 2022.
  • Peder Borgen. Metodist – Økumen – Professor i en brytningstid. (Kyrkjefag Profil 40; Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2020). 353pp.
  • A Family at Seland. Patterns of a Tapestry. (Improved and expanded version of the Norwegian version) Stavanger: Seland Didaskalia 2012. 165pp + 84 pp of genealogy lists.
  • En familie på Seland. Stavanger: Seland Didaskalia, 2011. 119 pp + 21pp geneology lists.
  • Strangers in the Light: Philonic Perspectives on Christian Identity in 1 Peter. Biblical Interpretation Series 76 (Leiden, Brill, 2005), 218pp.
  • Paulus i Polis: Paulus’ sosiale verden som forståelsesbakgrunn for hans liv og forkynnelse, Kyrkjefag profil nr. 4 (Tapir Akademisk Forlag, Trondheim 2004, 288pp.; sterkt revidert utgave av utgave fra 1998)).
  • Tekster og tolkninger. Arbeidshefte i bibeltolkning. Notat 1/2005 (Høgskulen i Volda / Møreforsking, Volda, 2005). 57 pp.
  • Paulus i Polis: Paulus’ sosiale verden som forståelsesbakgrunn for hans forkynnelse. (Forskningsrapport nr. 34), HVO, Volda,1998.
  • Establishment Violence in Philo & Luke: A Study of Non-Conformity to the Torah & Jewish Vigilante Reactions. Biblical Interpretation Series 15. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995, (Dissertation, 353 pp).
  • Jewish Vigilantism in the First Century C.E.: A Study of Selected Texts in Philo and Luke on Jewish Vigilante Reactions Against Nonconformers to the Torah. Unpublished dissertation. Photocopy.


Books edited

  • Peder Borgen, Illuminations by Philo of Alexandria. Selected Studies on Interpretation in Philo, Paul and the Revelation of John. Edited by Torrey Seland, with an Introduction by David E. Aune. (Studies in Philo of Alexandria 12). Brill: Leiden, 2021.
  • T. Seland ed., Reading Philo. A Handbook to Philo of Alexandria (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2014).
  • T. Seland (red.),’Lær meg din veg’: Kristen trosopplæring i går og i dag. En historisk oversikt (Kyrkjefag Profil 10; Trondheim, Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2009).
  • David E. Aune, Torrey Seland & Jarl Henning Ulrichsen (eds.), Neotestamentica et Philonica: Studies in Honor of Peder Borgen, Novum Testamentum, Supplements 106 (Brill, Leiden, 2002).



    • «Migrasjonsforskning og noen eksempler fra Feda og omegn. Emigranter og arbeidsutvandrere i Brooklyn i mellomkrigstiden,» In Anders Mathias Larsen, ed., Kvinesdal Historielag Årsskrift 40 (2025) 68-83.
    • «Lex Borgen: Et blad i norsk skolehistorie om ikke-lutheraneres rett til å undervise i høyere utdanning.» In B. Løvlie, P. Halse & K. Hatlebrekke (Red.), Tru på Vestlandet. Tradisjonar i endring (Kap. 15, s. 363–390). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2020. Click here and download paper.
    • «Like newborn infants»: The Readers of 1 Peter as Newly Converted Christians? in David E. Aune & Reidar Hvalvik, eds., The Church and its Mission in the New Testament and Early Christianity. Essays in Memory of Hans Kvalbein.  (WUNT 404). Mohr-Siebeck, 2018, pp. 227-242. 
    • ‘Philo of Alexandria,’ in Early Jewish Literature,  An Anthology, Vol 1. Brad Embry, Ronald Herms, and Archie T. Wright, editors,  Grand Rapids, USA, Eerdmans. 2018, pp.601-610 (The Writings of Philo of Alexandria); pp. 611-614 (Introduction to On the Creation of the World).
    • ‘The Expository Use of the Balaam Figure in Philo’s De vita Mosis,’  in The Studia Philonica Annual XXVIII. 2016 / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism. Studies in honor of David Runia. Greg E. Sterling, editor (Atlanta, Ga., SBL Press 2016): 321-348.
    • ‘Religious Offenses,’ in B. A. Strawn, ed., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Law Vol. 2: Mag-Wom (Oxford, 2015), 213-219.
    • ‘Philo of Alexandria: An Introduction,’ in T. Seland ed., Reading Philo. A Handbook to Philo of Alexandria (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2014): 3-16.
    • ‘Philo as a Citizen: Homo Politicus,’   in T. Seland ed., Reading Philo. A Handbook to Philo of Alexandria (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2014): 47-74.
    • ‘Why Study Philo? How?,’ in T. Seland ed., Reading Philo. A Handbook to Philo of Alexandria (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2014): 157-179.
    • «Arbeidsutvandring fra Seland til USA i mellomkrigstiden,»  Flekkefjord Historielags Årsskrift 2013, pp. 22-29.
    • «Philo and the New Testament,» in Joel B. Green & Lee Martin McDonald, eds., The World of the New Testament. Cultural, Social and Historical Contexts (Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI., USA, 2013), pp. 405-412.
    •  «Critical Issues in the Quest for the First Readers of 1 Peter,» i Ed. by du Toit, David, in collab. with Jantsch, Torsten,  Bedrängnis und Identität. Studien zu Situation, Kommunikation und Theologie des 1. Petrusbriefes. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 200). Berlin; de Gruyter, 2013, s. 43-58
    • ‘Undervisning og forkynnelse, forsøkt belyst ved en utlegning av liknelsen i Luk 15,11-24,’ in Per Halse, Arne Redse, Asbjørn Simonnes og Per Magne Aadnanes (eds.), Guds Folk og folkets Gud. Artiklar om kyrkjeliv og Gudstru i historie og samtid. Festskrift til Birger Løvlie (Kyrkjefag Profil nr 13). Tapir Akademisk forlag, Trondheim 2011, s. 235-243.
    • ‘Trosformidling i en virtuell verden,’ in Jan Ove Ulstein & Per M. Aadnanes (eds), Vegar i vegløysa. Ungdom, identitet og livssynsdanning i det postmoderne (Kyrkjefag Profil nr 14; Trondheim, Tapir akademisk forlag, 2011), 161-182.
    • ’Colony’ and ’metropolis’ in Philo. Examples of Mimicry and Hybridity in Philo’s writing back from the Empire?’ in Études Platoniciennes VII Philon d’Alexandrie. Les Belles Lettres Vol VII, 2010, s. 13-36.
    • ‘Identitet og dialog i 1 Peters brev,’ in Birger Løvlie et al., (eds), Danning, Identitet og dialog. Festskrift til Jan Ove Ulstein og Per Magne Aadnanes (Kyrkjefag Profil 9; Trondheim, Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2009), pp. 173-181.
    • ‘Undervisning og katekese i urkirken. Urkirkens sosiale kontekst og kateketiske særpreg.’ in Torrey Seland (red.),‘Lær meg din veg’: Kristentrosopplæring i går og i dag. En historisk oversikt (Kyrkjefag Profil 10; Trondheim, Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2009), pp. 9-43.
    • ‘Aliens in Mission. Missional Practices in the Emerging Church of 1 Peter,’ in Bulletin for Biblical Research 19.4 (2009):587ff.
    • «Philo, Magic and Balaam: Neglected Aspects of Philo’s Exposition of the Balaam Story,» in John Fotopoulos (ed.), The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context. Studies in Honor of David E. Aune. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum 122), Brill, Leiden, 2006, pp. 333-346
    • “The Making of 1 Peter in Light of Ancient Graeco-Roman Letterwriting and Distribution.” In Strangers in the Light: Philonic Perspectives on Christian Identity in 1 Peter, by Torrey  Seland. Biblical Interpretation Series 76, 9–37. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    • “Paroikos kai parepidemos: Proselyte Characterizations i 1 Peter?” In Strangers in the Light: Philonic Perspectives on Christian Identity in 1 Peter, by Torrey  Seland. Biblical Interpretation Series 76, 39–78. Leiden: E.J. Brill. Reprint of  2001 edition.
    •  “The ‘Common Priesthood’ of Philo and 1 Peter: A Philonic Reading of 1 Peter 2:5 & 9.” In Strangers in the Light: Philonic Perspectives on Christian Identity in 1 Peter, by Torrey  Seland. Biblical Interpretation Series 76, 79–115. Leiden: E.J. Brill.  Reprint of  1995 edition.
    • “The Moderate Life of the Christian Paroikoi: A Philonic Reading of 1 Peter 2:11.” In Strangers in the Light: Philonic Perspectives on Christian Identity in 1 Peter, by Torrey  Seland. Biblical Interpretation Series 76, 117–45. Leiden: E.J. Brill. Reprint of  2004 edition.
    •  “‘Conduct Yourselves Honorably Among the Gentiles’ (1 Peter 2:12): Assimilation and Acculturation in 1 Peter.” In Strangers in the Light: Philonic Perspectives on Christian Identity in 1 Peter, by Torrey Seland, 147–89. Leiden: Brill.
    • «The Moderate Life of the Paroikois: A Philonic Reading of 1 Pet 2:11.» in Philo und das Neue Testament. Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti. Herausgegeben von Roland Deines und Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr 2004. XXIII, 435 Seiten. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 172), pp. 241-264.
    • «Priska og Akvilas: de første teltmisjonærer», (Prisca and Aquilas; the first tent-missionaries), 5/56 Fast Grunn (2003): 296-302.
    • (Re)presentations of violence in Philo,» in SBL 2003 Seminar Papers 2003 (Atlanta, Georgia, 2003), pp. 117-140.
    •  “A Select Bibliography (1987–2001) of Peder Johan Borgen.” In Neotestamentica et Philonica. Studies in Honor of Peder Borgen, eds. David E Aune, Torrey Seland, and Jarl Henning Ulrichsen, 415–26. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
    • «Saul of Tarsus and early Zealotism: Reading Gal 1,13-14 in light of Philo’s writings,» Biblica (Rome) 83 (2002): 449-471.
    • «Kirken og Internett: Kan vi lære noe av Paulus,» in Per Magne Aadnanes og Jan Ove Ulstein (red.), «Jeg gikk meg over sjø og land…» Bidrag til Kyrkjefaga. Festskrift til Ottar Berge(Trondheim; Tapir, 2001), pp.139-161. (The Church and the Internet: What can we learn from Paul?)
    • «Paroikos kai Parepidemos; Proselyte Characterizations in 1 Peter?» Bulletin for Biblical Research 11.2 (2001):239-268.
    • «Once More- The Hellenists, Hebrews, and Stephen: Conflict and Conflict-Management in Acts 6-7.» in Peder Borgen, Vernon K. Robbins & David Gowler (eds.), Recruitment, Conquest and Conflict. Strategies in Judaism, Early Christianity, and the Greco-Roman World. (Atlanta, Georgia, Scholars Press, 1999), pp. 169-207.
    • “Internett i klasserommet – Internett som klasserom.” Prismet 50: 9–12. (Internet in the classroom – Internet as a classroom)
    • «Philo and the Clubs and Associations of Alexandria.» In John S. Kloppenborg and Stephen G. Wilson (eds.), Voluntary Associations in the Graeco-Roman World (London, Routledge, 1996), pp. 110-127.
    • «The `Common Priesthood’ of Philo and 1 Peter: A Philonic Reading of 1 Peter 2.5,9.» Journal for the Study of the New Testament 57 (1995):87-119.
    • «Mediterranean Cultures and Studies of the New Testament World. Some Problems and Prospects in Recent Research.»Tidsskrift for Kirke, Religion og Samfunn 5 (1992):75-90.
    • «Skrifttolkning i Det nye Testamente og i Oldkirken.» Jan-Olav Henriksen (ed.), Tegn, Tekst og Tolk: Hermeneutikk i fortid og nåtid (Oslo, 1992), pp. 18-50, (Eng. «Interpretation of the Scriptures in the New Testament and the Early Church.»)
    • «Derfor formaner jeg dere: Litt om hvordan Paulus begrunner sine formaninger.» Fornying I Kyrkja: Festskrift Til Biskop Ole Nordhaug, Tidsskrift for Kirke Religion Samfunn, Tilleggshefte nr. 1. Volda, 1991, pp. 49-59, (Eng. «I appeal to you therefore:» On how Paul legitimates his paraenesis.»)
    • «Forbønn hos Filo av Aleksandria.» P. Borgen et. al. (eds.),Teologi på Tidens Torg: Festskrift Til Peter Wilhelm Bøckman(Trondheim, 1987), pp. 155-178, (Eng. «Intercessory Prayer in the Works of Philo.»)
    • «Jesus as a Faction Leader: On the Exit of the Category «sect.»» In: Peter Wilhelm Böckman and Roald E. Kristiansen (eds.), In Context: Essays in Honor of Peder Borgen (Trondheim, 1987), pp. 197-211.
    • ‘Multi-Lingual Scholar 3.0,’ in Humaniske Data 1987,3, pp. 107-115.
    • «Jødene og Kristendomsforfølgelsene.» Per Beskow (ed.),Judendom och Kristendom under de førsta Århundradena (Stavanger, 1986), pp. 147-172, (Eng. «The Jews and the Persecutions against the Christans.»)
    •  “nota bene; et sterkt tekstbehandlings- og ‘tekstbase’  program.” Humanistiske Data 3: 46–53.
    • «Collegium Kai Ekklesia: Nyere Synspunkter på de Gresk-romerske foreninger som modell for og parallell til de urkristne forsamlinger.» Ung Teologi 1984):49-65, (Eng: «Recent viewpoints on the Greco-Roman Associations as a model and parallell to the early Christian communities.»)
    • «Talene i Acta som historisk problem,» Ung Teologi 9 (1976): 41-60. (The Speeches in Acts as a historical problem)
    • «Andreas Lavik som frikirkemann og statskirketilhenger,» Fast Grunn 25 (1972): 339-353.


Book Reviews

    •  Wandusim, Michael, The Lord’s Prayer in the Ghanaian Context: A Reception-Historical Study (Studies of the Bible and Its Reception 20. De Gruyter,  2021). Review in RBL 2024, SBLCentral.
    • Sean A. Adams and Zanne Domoney-Lyttle, The Philo of Alexandria Scripture Index.  (Studia Philonica Monographs 9.  SBL Press, 2023). Review in RBL 2024SBLCentral
    • Warner M. Bailey, Aliens in your Native Land. 1 Peter and the Formation of Christian Identity. Pickwick Publications: Eugene, Oregon, 2020. Review in RBL 06/2021.
    • Jisk Steetskamp, Autorschaft und Sklavenperspektive in Ersten Petrusbrief. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2/524. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020.  Review in SBL Review of Biblical Literature, 11 December 2021.
    • Nijay K. Gupta, The Lord’s Prayer. Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary. Smyth & Helwys, Macon, Georgia, 2017. in Review of Biblical Literature 2019
    • Bilde, Per, Collected Studies on Philo and Josephus, ed., Becker, Eve-Marie, Jensen, Morten H., Mortensen, Jacob (Sant 7) 316p. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2016.  in BN Biblische Notizen NF 178 (2018), pp. 157-158.
    • David K. Burge, First-Century Guides to Life and Death. Epictetus, Philo and Peter. (Paternoster Biblical Monographs). Paternoster, 2017, published in The Studia PhilonicaAnnual XXX- 2018. Studies in Hellenistic Judaism. Ed. by David T. Runia & Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta; SBL Press, 2018, pp. 201-204.
    • Runia, D. T., M.  Alesso, E. Birnbaum,  A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. Leonhardt-Balzer,  M. R. Niehoff, S.J.K. Pearce, T. Seland, and S. Weisser, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2015.» Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2016-18.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXX 2018, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2018, pp.115-181.
    • Runia, D. T., M.  Alesso, E. Birnbaum,  A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. Leonhardt-Balzer,  M. R. Niehoff, S.J.K. Pearce, T. Seland, and S. Weisser, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2014.» Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2015-17.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXIX 2017, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2017, pp.185-243
    • Egan, Patrick T., Ecclesiology and the Scriptural Narrative of 1 PeterEugene, OR: Pickwick, 2016 pp. xxi + 273. in Review of Biblical Literature 2017
    • Review of  Torah from Alexandria: Philo as a Biblical commentator. Volume III: Leviticus, Edited by Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel, New York: Kodesh Press, 2015, published in Review of Biblical Literature.
    • Runia, D. T., M.  Alesso, K. Berthelot, E. Birnbaum,  A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. Leonhardt-Balzer,  M. R. Niehoff, S.J.K. Pearce and T. Seland, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2012. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2013.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXVIII 2016, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2016, pp.393-434
    • Runia, D. T., K. Berthelot, E. Birnbaum,  A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. Leonhardt-Balzer, J. P. Martín, M. R. Niehoff, S.J.K. Pearce and T. Seland, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2012. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2013-2015.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXVII 2015, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015, pp.181-216.
    • Review of Karl-Gustav Sandelin, Attraction and Danger of Alien Religion: Studies in Early Judaism and Christianity, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 1. Reihe 290. Tubingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2012, in Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXVII 2015, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015, pp.249-254.
    • Review of Williams, Travis B., Persecution in 1 Peter: Differentiating and Contextualizing Early Christian Suffering. Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 145 . Leiden: Brill, 2012.  In:
    • Runia, D. T., K. Berthelot, E. Birnbaum,  A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. Leonhardt-Balzer, J. P. Martín, M. R. Niehoff, S.J.K. Pearce, T. Seland and S. Weisser, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2011. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2012-2014.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXVI, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2014, pp.169-216.
    • Runia, D. T., K. Berthelot, E. Birnbaum, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. Leonhardt-Balzer, J. P. Martín, M. R. Niehoff, S.J.K. Pearce,  and T. Seland, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2010. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2011-2013.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXV, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013, pp.169-224.
    • Review of Bird, Jennifer G., Abuse, Power and Fearful Obedience: Reconsidering 1 Peter’s Commands to Wives.Library of New Testament Studies, 442. New York: T&T Clark, 2011 pp. xi + 166. Review in Review of Biblical Literature
    • Review of  Stanley E. Porter and Cynthia Long Westfall, eds., Empire in the New Testament, McMaster New Testament Studies Series. Eugene, Ore.: Pickwick, 2011 Review of Biblical Literature (2012).
    • Review of  Daniel M. Gurtner, ed. This World and the World to Come: Soteriology in Early Judaism. Library of Second Temple Studies 74. London; T & T  Clark International 2011. In The Studia Philonica Annual /Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXIV 2012 (Atlanta, GA, 2012), pp. 273-276.
    • Runia, D. T., K. Berthelot, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. Leonhardt-Balzer, J. P. Martín, S.J.K. Pearce, and T. Seland, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2009. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2010-2012.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXIV, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012, pp.183-242
    • Runia, D. T., K. Berthelot, E. Birnbaum, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. Leonhardt-Balzer, J. P. Martín, M. R. Niehoff, and T. Seland, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2008. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2009-2011.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXIII, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011, pp.97-159
    • Runia, D. T., K. Berthelot, E. Birnbaum, A. C. Geljon, J. Leonhardt-Balzer, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, M. R. Niehoff, and T. Seland, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2007. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2008-2010.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXII, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010, pp.209-268.
    • Review of Eckhard J. Schnabel, Paul the Missionary: Realities, Strategies and Methods (Downer’s Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2008). Pp. 518. Paper. $32.00. ISBN 978-0830828876 in Review of Biblical Literature Aug. 15. 2009.
    • Runia, D. T., E. Birnbaum, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martin, M. R. Niehoff, J. Riaud, G. Schimanowski, and T. Seland, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2006. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2007-2009.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XXI, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009, pp.73-123.
    • review of Larry J. Kreitzer, Philemon, in Review of Biblical Literature []
    • Runia, D. T., E. Birnbaum, K. A. Fox, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, M. R. Niehoff, J. Riaud, G. Schimanowski, and T. Seland, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2005. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2006-2008.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XX, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008, pp.167-97.
    • Review of Naomi G. Cohen, Philo’s Scriptures: Citations from the Prophets and Writings: Evidence for a Haftarah Cycle in Second Temple Judaism. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 123, Leiden: Brill, 2007, pp. xvii + 278.
    • Review of Jonathan S. Perry, The Roman Collegia. The Modern Evolution of an Ancient Concept. Mnemosyne Supplement 277. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. xii, 247, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.01.20
    • Review of James Ware, The Mission of the Church in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians in the Context of Ancient Judaism. Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 120 Leiden: Brill, 2005. pp. xvi + 384. Reviewed in Review of Biblical Literature, March 31. 2007.
    • Runia, D. T., E. Birnbaum, K. A. Fox, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, R. Radice, J. Riaud, M. R. Niehoff, G. Schimanowski, and T. Seland «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2004. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2005-2007.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XIX, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007, pp. 143-204.
    • Runia, D. T., E. Birnbaum, K. A. Fox, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, R. Radice, J. Riaud, D. Satran, T. Seland and G. Schimanowski, «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2003. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2004-2006.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XVIII, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006, pp.143-204.
    • Review of Rebecca Skaggs, The Pentecostal Commentary on 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude. The Pentecostal Commentary: New Testament(Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim, 2004). pp. xiv + 176. Paperback, in Review of Biblical Literature 2005.
    • Review of Todd Penner, In Praise of Christian Origins: Stephen and the Hellenists in Lukan Apologetic Historiography, Emory Studies in Early Christianity, 10 (New York: T&T Clark, 2004), pp. xl + 400. Paperback, in Review of Biblical Literature June 26. 2005.
    • Review of Kenneth Schenck, A Brief Guide to Philo Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2005pp. xi + 172, Paperback, in Review of Biblical Literature July 7. 2005.
    • Review of John G. Nordling, Philemon. Concordia Commentary. Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2004. Pp. 379 , in BrynMawr Classical Review 2005.10.29. Oct. 2005.
    • Runia, D. T., E. Birnbaum, K. A. Fox, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, R. Radice, J. Riaud, D. Satran, T. Seland, G. Schimanowski. «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2002. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2003-2005.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XVII, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling, Providence: Brown University, 2005, pp. 161-214.
    • Runia, D. T., E. Birnbaum, K. A. Fox, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, R. Radice, J. Riaud, D. Satran, T. Seland and G. Schimanowski. «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2001. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2002-2004.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XVI, edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. Providence: Brown University, 2004, pp. 235-80.
    • Runia, D. T., E. Birnbaum, K. A. Fox, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, R. Radice, J. Riaud, D. Satran, T. Seland and D. Zeller. «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 2000. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2001-2003.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XV, edited by David T. Runia, Gregory E. Sterling, and Hindy Najman, Providence: Brown University, 2003, pp. 109-48.
    • Runia, D. T., E. Birnbaum, K. A. Fox, A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, R. Radice, J. Riaud, and T. Seland and D. Zeller. «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 1999. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 2000-2002.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XIV, edited by David T. Runia, Gregory E. Sterling, and Hindy Najman. Providence: Brown University, 2002, pp. 109-48.
    • Runia, D. T.,  A. C. Geljon, H. M. Keizer, J. P. Martín, R. Radice, J. Riaud, T. Seland, D. Satran and D. Zeller. «Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 1998. Supplement: A Provisional Bibliography 1999-2001.» In Studia Philonica Annual / Studies in Hellenistic Judaism XIII, edited by David T. Runia, Gregory E. Sterling, and Hindy Najman. Providence: Brown University, 2001, pp. 250-290.


Last updated: Feb. 22, 2025.